Burning world

Right now the world is burning. It is one fire. People are suffering from flood and rain and cyclone. People are being persecuted for their belief. There is ethnic cleansing. The world is a cruel place.

But it was like this always. People suffer from the early stage of this world. At the beginning there was virus, there were fatal diseases (remember the plague?). There was war, deadly war. There was economic depression, people were jobless and could not feed their family.

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Why vote?

On 30th January 2018, Bangladesh will go to poll.

Now if I be honest with you, to some extent, this poll is a sham. The opposition party is in a dire straits and in a abysmal position. They leaders are in either jail or in self imposed exile. But that’s not the point. The point is they were allowed to run the campaign in a meaningful way. Most of the time the ruling party did use the force of the government and stopped the opposition from running a proper campaign.

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Listening others

There is a saying that you should be the last person to speak. And I agree with this statement. It is true.

If we let others speak, we earn people’s respect. We are honouring the speaker. It’s mutual.

But the problem is it is one of the hardest things to do. Most often I interrupt people while they are speaking. Sometimes I do not allow them to finish their sentences. Despite knowing that I should let them finish their speech and hearing them properly.

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The purpose of makeup

Why do we go to the parlor and got ourselves makeup? Or why do we wear makeup in the first place? I guess the obvious answer is to make and look ourselves beautiful, to make ourselves pretty. Now the question is how to make ourselves beautiful and pretty.

For me, the answers are a bit longer. I believe that everyone and everything in our life is beautiful in its own way. All you have to do is to look for it. So, if a person is already beautiful, how do you make him/her more beautiful or prettier. Well, you can present him/her in a way which suits him/her and you can highlight his/her best characteristics in a way which will highlight him/her. This will show his/her uniqueness in an unparalleled way since every person is unique in this world.

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I am travelling to Cox’s Bazaar.

Since the Burmese Army forced out a large number of Rohingya people out of their land and those people become refugees and settled temporarily at Cox’s Bazaar, I am seeing some extra activities here in Cox’s Bazaar. Specially several NGO and international humanitarian organisations are running their activities in those refugees camps. Several foreigners and their SUV are stationed at various hotels as they are using the hotels of the Cox’s Bazaar as their base.

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